Friday, November 21, 2008

SEO Forums You Should Check Out

There's more to SEO than just getting links. Learning SEO is a challenge within itself, but learning on your own is a steep learning curve for anyone. Luckily there are many reputable SEO forums, free and paid, to learn search engine optimization. Here are a few for you to explore, not in any particular order:

  1. Digital Point - Free, you may have to register for you to post. There are many categories in the marketing department for all SEO related topics

  2. Webmaster World - Paid Membership, but very informative info here. Many times you'll find high reps from the major search engines post replies, etc.

  3. SEO Chat - Free, you may have to register for you to post. For some reason SEO Chat has been under the radar, but still a good resource for tools, etc.

  4. Search Engine Watch - Free, you may have to register for you to post. Well organized with many tools, etc.
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