Monday, December 8, 2008

The Ultimate Search Boolean for Google

Here's a search command to find great niche-related backlinks:

keyword inurl:"(com|org|edu|net|gov)\links\"
keyword inurl:"(com|org|edu|net|gov)\resources\"

For example, if you sell blue widgets just go to Google and type in the search box:

blue widgets inurl:"(com|org|edu|net|gov)\links\"


blue widgets inurl:"(com|org|edu|net|gov)\resources\"

This search command will yield results for sites related to your topic in all types of urls (.com, .org, etc.) and it will only pull the links or resources pages of those sites for you to request backlinks!
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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Web Builder and Hosting for Cheap

Cheap and Affordable Web Hosting Web Hosting $6.95

Many of you out there are new to blogging and are unsure of where you can host your domain and blog. There are a few things to consider when planning to start of a blog. There are different requirements for for each individual. Here are a few things to consider for finding cheap web hosting online:

Intent - When looking for cheap web hosting you need to find out how much bandwidth you'll need. Opening an e-commerce and just writing a blog is different. I don't suggest finding cheap web hosting for an e-commerce site, but if you're looking to just host a blog, then finding something cheap will suffice. offers affordable web hosting for bloggers. Check them out and start your own blog today!
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008 - SEO Analysis Tool

This company is one of the newer breeds of a web seo analytics company. helps analyze your site to what customers are searching for on your site through consumer behavior. They offer services ranging from site analysis, search analytics, rank

Snoop on the competition with Compete Pro. Don't be left out!

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Google Reverts Back to Your Old Title Tag

I've been noticing on a lot of sites I've worked on where I would change a page's title tag and Google has indexed the change, but a few days later it reverts back to the old title tag I had before. When the old title tag reverts back in the SERPs, it also affects the keyword rankings for that specific page. What's happening here is that the search results are hitting different data centers from Google. Google has many data centers servers that holds all the site's indexed pages online. Some data centers get updated more frequently than others. What you're seeing when you see your title tag go back to the old title tag is one of the many data centers that was not updated yet. Don't panic, wait a few days and all the data centers should be updated with your new title tag.
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Sunday, November 23, 2008

De-Personalizing Google SERPs

If you're a webmaster and you check your keywords on a daily basis, then you need to de-personalize your Google search results. The reason why we do this is because Google personalizes your searches on your computer based on what sites you've clicked in the SERPs. This needs to be done when you notice that the rankings in the search results differ from computer to computer. To de-personalize your search, all you need to do is put this code at the end of the url box of the SERPs page: &pws=0

Here's where it would be placed when I search for the keyword "blog" in Google:



Once you've entered the code at the end, hit enter and the rankings should be de-personalized.
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Friday, November 21, 2008

Google Experiments with Customizable Search Results

Google has just released a personal customized SearchWiki option for your search results. You have to initially log into your Google account for this option. You can then bump up rankings to the top. To go back to the natural search results you'll need to log out of your Google account and the rankings should go back to normal.

Here's a quick video of how this works:

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Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a tool to help spread ideas, news, updates, etc. about your site or some other site you found.

Why is Social Bookmarking Important for SEO?

If you're a webmaster and just launched your very first site online, you must work hard in terms of marketing your site and trying to "pull" people to your site. Without great backlinks, etc. your visibility on the net is slim to none. Instead of trying to "pull" people to your site, you should "push" your information out. By sending news and updates to authoritative social bookmarking sites, you're:

  1. Sending a link to your site from a site that already has traffic built up.

  2. Gaining more visibility for your site.

  3. You're adding valuable information to the internet, which in turn makes your site reputable.
Here are a few great social bookmarking sites for you to explore, you can also check SEO forums for other great social bookmarking sites:

  1. Mixx
  2. Reddit
  4. Digg
  5. Stumbleupon
  6. Yahoo! Buzz
  7. Technorati
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SEO Forums You Should Check Out

There's more to SEO than just getting links. Learning SEO is a challenge within itself, but learning on your own is a steep learning curve for anyone. Luckily there are many reputable SEO forums, free and paid, to learn search engine optimization. Here are a few for you to explore, not in any particular order:

  1. Digital Point - Free, you may have to register for you to post. There are many categories in the marketing department for all SEO related topics

  2. Webmaster World - Paid Membership, but very informative info here. Many times you'll find high reps from the major search engines post replies, etc.

  3. SEO Chat - Free, you may have to register for you to post. For some reason SEO Chat has been under the radar, but still a good resource for tools, etc.

  4. Search Engine Watch - Free, you may have to register for you to post. Well organized with many tools, etc.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Email Marketing

Thinking about Email Marketing?

If you have an online business and have a list of emails through your newsletter campaign, there are many questions regarding the process or email marketing.

  1. Data Capture - You must verify that the data capture is accurate and it must be maintained consistently.

  2. Double Opt-Ins - Not sure if they're sending you the correct email? Set up for double opt-ins where the user has to verify that the email is actually theirs or to avoid a third party user using your email.
Those are two of the main processes that are important in email marketing. Branding, segmentation, and marketing are also important as well. But if you do not have the correct information on the email list, then every effort will go to waste. Imagine if you sent an email blast to someone who has past away 2 years ago; how credible would your company be if you didn't maintain your email list?

Does Email Marketing Work Still?

Email marketing is not as effective as it was in the past. Now with many people with spam filters, your emailing efforts are just going to waste. Some businesses are still profiting from email marketing today. If done correctly, you can successfully manage a profitable email campaign. So the people you are emailing better have an interest in what you're going to send them if you want to succeed in this marketing strategy.

Start a newsletter for your web site or business today with iContact. Send personalized text or HTML messages, RSS feeds, and surveys from any computer, and automatically keep track of your subscriptions. Broadcast your message to all subscribers with one click. Learn more about our recommended email marketing software.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Make Your Own Social Network within Minutes!

Create Your Own Social Media Network with!

Ever wanted to create your own social media site based on any topic that you like? Now you can with! Ning lets you build a social network where people can join your site, participate in the blog, forums, and even create their own personal page within your network. The template and functionality of this site is a breeze. Ning also lets you and your members upload their whole photo album from flickr onto your media site. Go ahead! Start socializing now!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Feel free to add your tips in the comment sections, this is here to start the ball rolling......

1. Choosing A Product

When choosing a product to sell, if that's your goal, make sure you sell something you're interested in. Why? How much easier would it be for you to sell something you're genuinely interested in as opposed to selling something you're not familiar with? Make sure the product you're offering, people are willing to purchase online and wait for it to ship. Make the product you're selling unique to your competitors so that it's worth buying the same product from your site (free samples, money back guarantee, no hassle refunds, etc.)

2. Keywords

Choose online 1-2 1st tier keywords and 2-3 2nd tier keyword phrases for each page on your site. Make sure you add the keyword in your title tags early and usually the shorter title tags are better than longer ones. Meta tags should be written for web surfers to read the description you want them to read. If left blank, Google will select content on that specific page as the description.
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Vote Today! Have Google Help You!

Many people have registered to vote in the past and have moved from that address since then. Well if you still live near your old address and don't feel like re-registering, you can find where your voting poll is located based from your old address that you registered with! Here's how:

Click here to find your voting location and registration information

Enter your old address where you registered to vote in the past, and Google will tell you your voting location! Thanks Google!
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

SEO Expert

SEO Expert Signals

There are many internet marketers claiming to be seo experts in search engine optimization. Although there are many great seo experts out there, there are tons of bad practitioners as well. To become a seo expert there are many things to consider. Here are a few things to consider before hiring a seo professional or expert in the field of internet marketing:

SEO Expert Checklist

Here are a few things to look for when looking for an SEO Expert:

1. SEO experts will NEVER guarantee you top rankings for your keywords....Ever!

Anyone who promises you top rankings in the SERPs is really over promising. Google's algorithm changes and what works well today won't have as m
uch weight in the future. An seo expert will tell you nothing is guaranteed and to keep a close eye on your business' competitors will always put you in good opportunities for better keyword ranking.

2. If someone claims to be a SEO Expert....Google Them!

If someone claims to be a seo expert it makes total sense to Google there name and see what their status as an internet marketer is online. For example : Type my name, Jack Nguyen, in Google and see what appears in the search results:

Ok so it might not have been hard to rank for SEO Guru in Orange County, but at least it lets people know that I do know what I'm doing in search engine optimization. Since I'm already the SEO Guru in OC according to Google, I wonder how long it will take me to become the SEO Expert in OC Lol!

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Thursday, August 28, 2008


When I first saw Twitter I was confused about how the heck it's getting so popular. Well, I signed on and to be honest with you, I'm still confused about all the hype this program is getting.

What is Twitter ?

Twitter is a free micro blogging/social networking programming that let's other people read what you're doing or other updates that you might have at the moment. So basically Twitter is like email but without the spam.

SEO and Twitter

For Seo purposes, Twitter is great for bringing traffic to your blog or website. You can post deals and coupons that you're offering, but I only see this being effective if you have a lot of followers. Many other companies are seeing the popularity in Twitter and are finding ways to implement the service with theirs. For instance, EzineArticles has an option now where you can input your Twitter login info into your profile. Whenever you submit an article to EzineArticles and it gets approved, your article will also be posted as an update on your Twitter with a link to the original article.

Where Can I Find a Twitter Badge for My Site?

A Twitter badge is an interface where you can paste onto your site, and every time you post an update on Twitter, the same update gets pushed onto your site. Go to the here to get your Twitter badge.

Pictures on Twitter

If you want to send images on Twitter instead of text, you can use a free online program called TwitPics. Just use the same login info from your Twitter account. If you're on FireFox you need to get the GreaseMonkey addon, after that immediately go here to install the GreaseMonkey script. To send an image on Twitter, just email the image to your newly created TwitPics email, and within and your image will shortly appear on Twitter for everyone to see.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Yahoo Merchant Store Form Script Fix Instructions

Contact Us Form Fix For Your Yahoo Store

Effective January 24th, 2008, Yahoo Merchant Stores had a security update to their pro forma script. This update affect Yahoo Store Owners from receiving contact emails from their customers. You can try and follow their instructions on how to update the pro forma script or you can try and follow my instructions below.

1. Log into your store editor and click on your "contact us" link on your home page. (note: this fix is for contact us pages with forms)

2. Click on Edit on your store editor while your on your contact us page.

3. Under "Object properties", go to the Caption section where you should see some coding.

4. Look for the script :

form method="post" action=""

5. Replace that script code with this new script code:

form method="post" action=""

**note** replace with your store account name: yhst-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You can find your Store Account Info in the Store Control Panel under Site Settings.

6. Once you've replaced the old script, hit update in your store editor and publish your site

You should be able to accept emails again!
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Google's Knol Has No Dupe Check?

Google's Knol was built to rival Wikipedia. But many have claimed that people are scraping content off their site and posting them as a "knol". The worst part is that with the same content written on Google owned Knol, the person scraping the content is ranking higher than the site where the original content came from. Now I know it's still in it's beta stages but is Google favoring it's own sites over others? Can't wait to see how this will unfold a year from now.
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I'm Already #1 For "SEO Guru of Orange County!"

#1 for SEO Guru of Orange County - And My Blog is Not Indexed In Google Yet!

So I started this blog yesterday and today I typed in SEO Guru of Orange County, and I'm in the #1 spot! But wait, my site hasn't been indexed by Google yet! So how was I able to reach the top so fast? The answer is BlogCatalog. BlogCatalog is a blogger social network/blog directory that introduces your blogs to a blogging social network. I submitted this blog to BlogCatalog yesterday and now it's ranked #1, but if you type in "" in Google's search box, nothing comes up. So that's why it's important post your blogs in blog directories and social network sites.
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Top SEO Plug-Ins for FireFox

Top Seo Plugins for FireFox

Here's a few plug-ins that makes my life a whole lot easier when I do seo analysis on sites, etc. You don't have to download all of them, just check each one out and see which one you like best:

1. SEO Quake - I use this plug-in everyday and whenever I don't need it, just click the icon at the bottom right hand corner of your screen and it turns off until you turn it back on. The great thing about SEO Quake is that its freeware! Anything that's free is OK with me!

2. SearchStatus - This was one of the first add-ons I've used to highlight each no-follow links are highlighted in pink for ease of visibility, great for analyzing nofollow directories and social bookmarking sites.

3. Google Toolbar for FireFox - This should have been #1 because when you initially download FireFox, you're probably wondering why you don't see the Page Rank bar at the top. That's because you have to download the Google Toolbar because you know who thought of the whole Page Rank theory? You guessed it.....Google.

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Who Is Jack Nguyen?

Jack Nguyen - SEO Guru of Orange County?

Jack Nguyen is the SEO Guru Of Orange County. Ok, So that statement might be stretching it a little, but his goal is to hone his SEO skills to become better in search engine optimization. As Jack struggles on the traveling path of becoming the SEO guru of Orange County, the purpose of this blog is for everyone to learn and study SEO so that they too, can also become SEO gurus! So kick off your shoes and relax your feet, party on down to the Esca......uh nevermind.....Enjoy the blog courtesy of the SEO guru of Orange County, Jack Nguyen.
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Seo Guru Of Orange County

Calling myself the SEO Guru Of Orange County is quite a stretch, But Im willing to take the challenge and go toe to toe with the real SEO gurus of Orange County.

Why I Want To Be The SEO Guru Of Orange County

The reason why I wanted to become the SEO guru of Orange County is to not only prove to myself, but to prove to everyone else that I do know what I'm doing. Although I still consider myself a student of SEO, I feel that this blog would be a great addition to the internet for seo news. This blog will not only cover search engine optimization topics, but will cover any topics that interests me such as fishing, pets, poker chips, fitness, cool gadgets, jokes, etc.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is knowing how to rank your site on the first page of the search engine results page (or SERPs). The great thing about seo is that it changes and you must learn constantly to keep up with your rankings. There are tons of information out there online that you can learn from, and hopefully I can add some useful information on SEO. Hopefully I can one day rank number one for the SEO Guru Of Orange County!

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