Monday, December 8, 2008

The Ultimate Search Boolean for Google

Here's a search command to find great niche-related backlinks:

keyword inurl:"(com|org|edu|net|gov)\links\"
keyword inurl:"(com|org|edu|net|gov)\resources\"

For example, if you sell blue widgets just go to Google and type in the search box:

blue widgets inurl:"(com|org|edu|net|gov)\links\"


blue widgets inurl:"(com|org|edu|net|gov)\resources\"

This search command will yield results for sites related to your topic in all types of urls (.com, .org, etc.) and it will only pull the links or resources pages of those sites for you to request backlinks!
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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Web Builder and Hosting for Cheap

Cheap and Affordable Web Hosting Web Hosting $6.95

Many of you out there are new to blogging and are unsure of where you can host your domain and blog. There are a few things to consider when planning to start of a blog. There are different requirements for for each individual. Here are a few things to consider for finding cheap web hosting online:

Intent - When looking for cheap web hosting you need to find out how much bandwidth you'll need. Opening an e-commerce and just writing a blog is different. I don't suggest finding cheap web hosting for an e-commerce site, but if you're looking to just host a blog, then finding something cheap will suffice. offers affordable web hosting for bloggers. Check them out and start your own blog today!
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008 - SEO Analysis Tool

This company is one of the newer breeds of a web seo analytics company. helps analyze your site to what customers are searching for on your site through consumer behavior. They offer services ranging from site analysis, search analytics, rank

Snoop on the competition with Compete Pro. Don't be left out!

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