Wednesday, October 22, 2008

SEO Expert

SEO Expert Signals

There are many internet marketers claiming to be seo experts in search engine optimization. Although there are many great seo experts out there, there are tons of bad practitioners as well. To become a seo expert there are many things to consider. Here are a few things to consider before hiring a seo professional or expert in the field of internet marketing:

SEO Expert Checklist

Here are a few things to look for when looking for an SEO Expert:

1. SEO experts will NEVER guarantee you top rankings for your keywords....Ever!

Anyone who promises you top rankings in the SERPs is really over promising. Google's algorithm changes and what works well today won't have as m
uch weight in the future. An seo expert will tell you nothing is guaranteed and to keep a close eye on your business' competitors will always put you in good opportunities for better keyword ranking.

2. If someone claims to be a SEO Expert....Google Them!

If someone claims to be a seo expert it makes total sense to Google there name and see what their status as an internet marketer is online. For example : Type my name, Jack Nguyen, in Google and see what appears in the search results:

Ok so it might not have been hard to rank for SEO Guru in Orange County, but at least it lets people know that I do know what I'm doing in search engine optimization. Since I'm already the SEO Guru in OC according to Google, I wonder how long it will take me to become the SEO Expert in OC Lol!

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